Usually there is only one full moon per monthbut the year has a total of 365 or 366 days -depending on whether it is a leap year or not-, therefore it contains about 12.4 lunations, since each phase of the moon lasts approximately 7 days and the moon goes through 4 phases -full moon, new moon, waxing quarter and waning quarter-. To complete this cycle takes approximately 28 days.

Thus, depending on the fit of the lunar cycles in the calendar, there can be years in which there are 12 full moons and years in which there were 13. This is the case this year. And it is that in August there will be two: one on the 1st and another on the 31st.

But, for now, this month of July the first moon of summer arrives, the deer moon either july supermoon.

july supermoon

A supermoon occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest (perigee) to Earth at the same time it is full. Therefore, it is slightly brighter and larger than a normal full moon, as detailed by the US space agency (NASA).

The term supermoon was coined in 1979 and is used today to describe what astronomers would call a perigee full moonthat is, a full moon that occurs near or at the time when the Moon is at its closest point in its orbit around the Earth.

We will be able to contemplate the supermoon of July in July, that of the deer, on the night of Monday the 3rd. In addition, everything indicates that there will be clear skies throughout the Peninsula, so it will be possible to contemplate a simple view perfectly. If telescopes or other observation elements are used, it will even be possible to see the craters of the star.

This will be the seventh full moon of the year and will occur from 1:39 p.m. on the Peninsula.

growing antlers

The stag supermoon It is so called because the farmers need that at that time of the year the antlers of the male deer are in full growth, a phenomenon that happens once a year.

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In some areas of the United States it is known as ‘thunder moon’, because it happens in stormy season. and for the Smithsonian Magazine is known as ‘salmon moon’because according to a study he published in June 2017 is when the salmon bank They swim faster and deeper, because the full moons light their way. Finally, it is also known as ‘hay moon’because it is when this plant is harvested during the summer.

This full moon will be about 6% larger and almost 13% brighter than a typical full moon, although the supermoon that occurs on August 1 will be even bigger and brighter, surpassing July’s in both size and intensity. in shine.