Since the issuance of Decree 417 of March 17, 2020by means of which it was declared in Colombia the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergencythe national government created the program Solidarity Incomewhich had as main objective protect people and households in poverty affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The last payment of the Solidarity Income bond delivered by the Department for Social Prosperity (DPS), and which corresponds to cycles 32 and 33, the December 30, 2022.
In the month of January 2023, the president gustavo petro announced that some changes would be made, giving way from the Solidarity Income bond to the ‘Transit to Citizen Income’ bond.
Also read: Solidarity Income and Bonus of 500,000, does it have any changes in 2023?
This program, also led by the DPS, seeks “households in extreme poverty, moderate poverty and vulnerability that participate will have a decent incomethat allow them to overcome hunger, and achieve economic autonomy and access to the fundamental rights of education and health”.
How does Transit to Citizen Income work?
With this program, the Colombian government seeks guarantee a decent income of up to 500 thousand pesos per monthPoor me families in extreme poverty, moderate poverty and vulnerability -according to the record in the Sisbén-.
‘Transit to Citizen Income’ has as purpose ensure food safety and care for households that have children and adolescents with a decent income. He National Development Plan «Colombia, World Power of Life», allocated around 7 billion pesos for this program.
You can also read: Solidarity income: subsidy blocked, but there will be no resources for 2023
Who will be the beneficiaries of Transit to Citizen Income?
The families that registered for the fourth phase of the Families in Actionduring the calls made in 2021 and 2022, as well as the indigenous families of the third phase.
In addition, they will be included in the list of prioritized beneficiaries, at families headed by mothers heads of household with boys, girls or adolescents in charge.
See also: Solidarity Income: know the deadlines to collect the subsidy
When should it be charged?
Families that meet all the selection criteria will receive the payment of this bonus bimonthly -Every two months-.
These are the steps you must follow to see if your family is in the List of beneficiaries for the first payment of the ‘Transit to Citizen Income’ bond:
1. Enter
2. Select the option «See here is registered.»
3. Enter your identification number.
4. Click consult.
5. Once you have completed the process, the same page will inform you if you are registered.
Remember that The first payment of this bonus will be made from next April 29.
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