A new chapter is about to be written in the novel of the separation of Shakira and Piqué. In the next few hours, according to Spanish media, lA singer from Barranquilla will leave Barcelona with her two children, Milán and Sasha, to start a ‘new life’ in Miami, United States.

According to the first reports, Shakira’s trip would take place this weekend. However, that has not been confirmed.

Meanwhile, the greatest related echo has been received by the pique reactionthe former Catalan player who has just had one of the best weekends of his life, with the success of the King’s League, and who is now experiencing mixed emotions due to the imminent departure of his children from Spanish territory.

This is how he refers to his environment, because according to a report by the Catalan media ‘La Vanguardia’, Piqué is «deeply angry».

(You can read: Clara Chía’s unexpected reaction when a camera focuses on video with Piqué).

‘Piqué’s tremendous anger’


Screenshot King’s League

According to the reporter Andrés Guerra, from ‘La Vanguardia’, sources close to the ex-Barcelona player assure that he is quite angry.

According to Guerra, in his article titled «The tremendous anger of Gerard Piqué for the hasty departure of Shakira and the children»the 2010 world champion would be baffled that he had not even been notified of the decision.

«The ex-soccer player believes that it is a life change of sufficient depth to have had the opportunity to say something»it reads in the mentioned note.

So far, according to other press versions, what would bother Piqué and his family the most has to do with Milan and Sasha’s school period, because due to the trip it would be interrupted. However, Piqué has preferred not to talk about it.

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