The work history is an instrument that allows monitoring of the contributions made to the pension, as well as the quoted weeks both in the public regime and in the Pension Fund Administrators (AFP).

This document reflects in an orderly manner the mandatory periodic contributions made in the pension system by affiliates based on the salary they earned.

(It may interest you: These are the requirements to inherit a pension in Colombia).

In other words, through this report you can consult the monthly contributions, the salary reports, the companies in which the user worked and the total number of weeks contributed.

Its importance lies in the fact that with this support it can be established whether the requirements to access the right to a pension in any of its modalities are met. (old age, disability, survival, substitute penalty or funeral aid).

How to consult this document?

For members of Colpensiones: This report is available at the entity’s electronic headquarters. It is only necessary to enter the web page, fill in your login information and select this option to consult and/or download the file.

Affiliates can also request this information at Colpensiones service points by presenting their identity document.

(Read more: The pension: why the contributory pillar generates so much criticism).

Pension in Colombia

Pension in Colombia


For members of private funds: In their digital channels, the AFPs have the option of downloading this certificate to be able to consult it at any time when the affiliate requires it.

Likewise, this document is available at the physical offices of the Pension Fund Administrators.

(See: Pension reform: changes that have the transition regime).

In addition, the pension funds share the mandatory pension statements on a quarterly basis.

It should be noted that, although in all cases the employment history is not sent periodically, it is available for review as many times as necessary.

How often should this data be reviewed?

It must be taken into account that employment history has two consultation mechanisms: the quarterly statement of mandatory pensionsthat reflects the payments made in a certain period of time, and established employment historythat shows all the contributions that have been made during the working life.

It is to recommend a frequent review of these reports to verify that contribution payments have been made and that they are correctly recorded.

Pension in Colombia

Pension in Colombia


Remember that this document is a key element for people who are close to obtaining their pension benefit, Since through this you can check if you have the necessary information to achieve in time to obtain the certificates with the corresponding entities.

(More news: Labor reform: Petro government project sank in Congress).

What if I don’t see all the quoted weeks reflected?

Given this situation, it is necessary to inform the pension administrator of the periods that are not recorded in the employment history or any other error contained in the document.

For this you will have to provide data such as: where you worked, pending times and data of the worker with whom you worked. This is for the purpose of the entity taking the pertinent steps to verify this information.