the celebration of Mother’s Day in the month of May, It is one of the most active dates for trade at the national level. A survey conducted by the National Federation of Traders of Colombia -Fenalco-, indicates that 86% of Colombians allocate between 50,000 and 300,000 pesos to buy some detail or celebrate on this date.

During the month of May, A large number of well-known stores with a national presence decide to launch promotions on certain productsin order to encourage sales and encourage customers to make purchases to celebrate this date.

Next you will find some gift options -technology, clothes, makeup- that have discounts, so that the celebration of the Mother’s Day and surprise with a good detail.

You can also read: Phrases for Mother’s Day in Colombia: inspiring messages for this Sunday

Five discounted gifts for Mother’s Day

1. Buy clothes in national and chain clothing stores, since during this month of May they have offered a large number of products, in order to offer their customers options for details for mothers.

2. Buy technological products such as cell phones, tablets, smart watches, televisions, hearing aids, among others. Chain stores with great national recognition have applied discounts to this type of product, so it is undoubtedly a good purchase option to surprise with detail.

It may interest you: Mother’s Day: how much money will Colombians spend to celebrate it?

3. Elements of beauty: In the same way, the great variety of commercial establishments have opted to give great discounts to products such as hair straighteners, dryers and curling ironssome of these products are up to 50% off.

4. Makeup: give away creams, products for the skin care, lipsticks, shadow palettes and other makeup items they are a good choice. Chain drugstores or pharmacies have offered these items, which will be personalized in great detail for this celebration.

See also: Need help finding the perfect gift for mom?

5. Body creams and perfumery: beauty stores, and general items have made discounts of up to 40% on these products, on web pages and physical stores, in order to turn them into details to celebrate this day.


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