• Ignatius of the Kings
  • BBC World

image source, PoolMarianela in Galera Popa


The sample brings together 33 Barbies adapted as religious figures.

If there is a doctor Barbie, a teacher or a policewoman… Why don’t we have to have a Virgin Barbie of Luján?

That’s what the Argentine artist couple Pool&Marianela thought, a duo from the city of Rosario that aroused criticism from the most devout with their exhibition «Barbie, The Plastic Religion.»

In the exhibition, which will be presented in Buenos Aires from October 11, 33 Barbie and Ken figures adapted as Catholic, Buddhist and Jewish figures, as well as Argentine popular beliefs, will be exhibited among other works:

The Virgin of Guadalupe, María Magdalena, Jesus Christ, San Cayetano or Gauchito Gil among others.