After the long lines, the disorder and the fights that occurred last Friday in several cities of the country during the delivery of the incentives of Citizen Incomehe agrarian Bank announced that it had a special attention day to continue with the delivery of subsidies.

According to the bank, this device was operated for the offices of Barranquilla, Quibdó and Cúcuta.

(You can read: Citizen Income: ‘If there was a disinformation campaign seeking to create chaos’)

The Citizen Income It is a government subsidy that is being delivered for the second time and that has as beneficiaries to those classified in Sisbén IV as a condition of poverty.

As this medium emerged, in Cartagena, Medellín, Cali and Barranquilla there were complaints about the alleged inefficiency of the bank, which will leave the long lines, complaints about the sale of quotas, shifts and positions, and even fights.

The Agrarian Bank reported that to avoid queues, beneficiaries can request the electronic transfer of subsidies to a bank account. With this option, they will not have to go to the entity’s offices in person and will have it at their preferred bank.

However, the Banco Agrario clarified that to carry out the electronic transfer, the maximum amount of payment must be 600,000 pesos. In general, people who receive this subsidy can earn up to a million, so the method is not suitable for everyone.

The Agrarian Bank also implemented the beak and ID in all its headquarters, so that there is more order in the delivery of the subsidy. This scheme will start from July 7 and will go until the 31st of this month, which is the maximum date to withdraw the subsidy.

IDs ending in 1 and 2 are served on Mondays. Tuesdays at 3 and 4. Wednesdays at 5 and 6. Thursdays at 7 and 8 and Fridays at 9 and 0.

(We recommend: Low inflation, but these foods are still very expensive: take note for your market)

However, the Bank updated that on the special day at the central headquarters of Banco Agrario in Cali there is no peak and ID until 3:00 p.m. this Saturday, and tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Long lines in the country’s cities to collect the Citizen Income subsidyLong lines in the country’s cities to collect the Citizen Income subsidy

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